In an historic vote on Sunday January 16, 2011, the membership of Fosston Baptist Church changed our church name to New Journey Church. By a 76.4% vote the church adopted the fourth name it has utilized since 1895.  Senior Pastor, the Rev. Skip Hansen said “Since this church called us to serve in June of 2009, we’ve been asking God to transform us, so that He can use us.  Of course change and growth is always a struggle!  But we are convinced that Creator God is not satisfied with status quo in His church.  He wants to give life and grow us… along with hundreds of other folks across our region.  He wants everyone to experience the joy of a life journey with Jesus.  “The reason we changed the church name, is because we wanted  to go on public record.’ We wanted our neighbors to know that God is actually doing something new among the folks who attend this church.” “Every time we see this name ourselves, God can remind us that our daily personal walk with God is our own spiritual journey with Him… and to be new every morning!”
”Pastor Hansen said, “We are delighted to remain firmly connected to Converge Worldwide (Baptist General Conference, nee Swedish Baptist Conference.)  However, one reason we removed the word “Baptist” from our name is because the American public is increasingly associating that word with radical fundamentalist political activities, of which our church has no part.  We thought it helpful to reduce that confusion.  The congregational vote also launched a new non-traditional church constitution.  Pastor Hansen said, “Both members and non-members alike are able to discover and enjoy personal participation in ministry teams with other like-minded people.  It makes it easy for new folks to get involved, whenever they are ready.” 
The church was organized in 1895 as Rosebud Baptist Church.  It was incorporated three years later as the Norwegian Baptist Church.  But by 1953, the church was already well known as the Fosston Baptist Church. So they decided to change the articles of incorporation to reflect that reality.  Each name change provided a significant opportunity for the congregation to refocus or expand its ministry identity toward township, ethnicity, or community, and now to regional spiritual impact… even without a denominational label.